Spectral Blur & Freeze FX
MagicBlur is a multi-curve spectral blur and freeze effect with a built-in modulation system.
Turn your samples into a synthesiser to create lush atmospheric sounds, endless worlds of overtone glissandi, crazy reversed and glitch-like sounds - it’s all there!
Easily and quickly apply separate blur times per frequency, or ranges of frequencies.
Mix them, modulate them, spread them, run wild, and create original spectral transformations from subtle reverberish washed out sounds to extreme effects on the brink of insanity.
What the heck is a Spectral Blur?
First we need to understand what a spectral frame is.
The incoming audio signal is chopped into small pieces, where each piece is getting analysed for the individual frequencies it is composed of.
This process transforms your audio into a series of so called spectral frames, which can be converted back to form your audio signal again.
Just like how a video appears to flow seamlessly, it’s actually a rapid succession of individual frames, or pictures, played back really fast.
Let’s stick to the video analogy to explain the Blur effect now:
Instead of playing every frame you would just pick a single frame every few seconds and then start to gradually change each pixel to slowly culminate in that frame.
Then you pick the next frame, and so on…
The time between the current and the next frame is called the Blur Time.

Now in our case it’s not a series of video frames, but a series of spectral frames, and instead of gradually changing pixels we seamlessly morph the frequency content of one spectral frame to the next.
But we can even do better! We are not limited to a single blur time - we can define separate blur times per frequency!
Optionally you can deactivate the morphing part, holding each frame until the next one is picked, and turn the whole thing into a spectral freezer. And if that’s not cool enough (no pun intended) you can even reverse the morph direction, apply envelopes and shift the pitch to create unique sounding effects never heard before.
Artist Presets by
CID RIM Cristian Vogel DataBroth Zanshin
Tech Specs
- BlurTime controlled by Curve
- 4 Algorithms: Percussive, Mixed, Tonal, LushMode
- Blur Direction
- Freeze
- Envelope: Exponential Attack to Exponential Decay
- PitchShift: +-24 semitones with step lock
- Lowpass and Highpass Filter
- Gain
- DryWet